merc with a mouth
full name Jack Thomas Winston

Co-Owner/Head Chef at In Another Castle
Modern Day Robin Hood

age & dob
November 1, 1980 & 35
Vancouver, British Columbia
current residences
Boston, Massachusetts
relationship status
zelda, cheesecake, scout, radley
Steve Winston, Carla Winston, Alex Winston, Edward Winston

Jack Winston is the second of Steve and Carla Winston's three children. As the middle child, Jack often felt alienated and not included, and he began acting out at an early age because of it. His parents thought he was mentally unstable and put him through various medical testing and psychiatric evaluations. When nothing was found to be wrong with him, his father begrudgingly let it go, though he was never convinced of his son's mental stability. That only made Jack feel less wanted, and he barely said a word to his family from the age of ten on.

Jack took to karate classes and video games to distract himself from the lack of love he felt in his household. He filled his mind with fantasies of escaping a life without love and finding a new family. He knew that as soon as he was able, he was going to leave home and move to the United States. He wanted to get as far away from the negativity as possible. His mother's dual citizenship made it easy for him to become a legal citizen once he turned 18, and it was straight off to college in California.

He had a dream of being a hero to all, and that dream led him to decide on a degree in Criminal Justice. While the degree wasn't needed to become a cop, he wanted to blow the other applicants away once he did apply. His lack in self-confidence made him feel the need to really prove himself to others, and he made very few friends during his years in California because that trait was mistaken for cockiness.

He eventually found himself in Massachusetts working for the state police. He showed great promise, and it was that promise that led to him being picked to go undercover. He has two undercover operations under his belt and started his third in late 2013. The pressure of doing well has started to get to him, and he has made his fari share of bad decisions. Because of how deep his cover had gotten at Lolita, his supervisors refused to pull him out in hopes that he would get himself killed to make their lives easier.

That would not be the case, however. As 2014 went on, Jack began to feel more and more conflicted about his job. He had formed a friendship that was becoming so much more with his boss at his cover job, and the corruption within his unit was becoming more obvious. The closer he became to Scarlett, the less he wanted to report against her. He could tell she was a good soul, and he knew that he was falling in love with her. Once he realized it was mutual, that was the final straw. After baring his soul to her, he resigned his position with the police. Since few people were aware of his true identity, it was easy for him to settle in as the head chef at Lolita. He has never been happier.

» Tends to be reckless, which had him on thin ice with his former employers, so they left him to get himself killed. This is why he eventually chose his personal life over his job.

» Favorite foods are pancakes and Mexican.

» Has a one-year old tortie cat named Zelda; wife got him a cat they named Cheesecake for his 35th birthday.

» Trained in various forms of combat, including blades and firearms as well as mixed martial arts.

Alter Ego Wade Wilson aka Deadpool Species Human Mutate Notable Aliases • Jack
• Chiyonosake
Powers Regenerative healing factor
     » Foreign chemical resistance
     » Disease Immunity
     » Immortality
     » Telepathic immunity

Possession resistance
Superhuman strength
Superhuman stamina
Superhuman reflexes
Abilities Master martial artist
Master assassin
• Skilled linguist (Spanish, Japanese, German, Russian)
• Medium awareness
• Unpredictability
Equipment Deadpool suit
X-Force costume
Teleportation device
Katanas (Bea & Arthur)
Bea Arthur (space vessel)
Holographic image inducer
Magic satchel
• Numerous (and infinite) weapons
AU Tie-ins • Love for Mexican food (and pancakes)
• Various scars on his body from fights and various wounds
• First name is one of Deadpool's noteable aliases, last name is Wade's middle name
• Military training
• Reckless and unpredictable

pb: dominic cooper. journal. writes past tense, 3rd person, ftb or adult. threads & customs. ©